March 2024, ACS Spring meeting, New Orleans, LA
Co-organizer of “Electrified Water Treatment Processes” symposium in ACS Spring 2024
September 2023, Collaborative Publication
A collaborative work on "Long-term Robustness and Failure Mechanisms of Electrochemical Nitrogen Recovery" is submitted to ACS Environmental Au and is available in ChemRxiv.
June 2023, Attended AEESP Conference, Boston, MA
Poster presentation on "Investigating foulant deposition mechanisms on cation exchange membranes during electrochemical stripping for ammonia recovery " at AEESP conference held in Boston, MA.
Oral session moderator for “Wastewater Anaerobic Digestion’, AEESP, Boston, MA
February 2023, Attended NAWI Peer Review Meeting, Denver, CO
Poster presentation at NAWI Peer review meeting held in Denver, CO
September 2022, Joined Stanford University as a Postdoctoral Scholar
Postdoctoral scholar co-mentored by William Tarpeh at Stanford University and Sharon Bone and Johanna Weber at SLAC National Laboratory
June 2022, Poster Recognition Award at Gordon Research Conference, Environmental Sciences: Water
My poster was selected as one of the best three posters in GRC Environmental Sciences: Water. The GRC platform gave me an amazing opportunity to connect with the peers and pioneer in the field of environmental engineering. Available in August 2022 Newsletter.
May 2022, Two new research articles available online
My work on "Role of Copper in nitrous oxide release from natural systems" and "Responses of trace metals to fluctuating redox conditions in wetland soils and stream sediments" is now online!
February 2022, Collaborative Publications
A new collaborative work on "Impact of dissolved oxygen and pH on the removal of selenium from water by iron electrocoagulation" is online now in Water Research.
A new collaborative work on "Metal-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of RNA in Aqueous Environments" is published in Environmental Science & Technology.
December 2021, Article available online
1st author article on "Copper availability governs nitrous oxide accumulation in wetland soils and stream sediments" is available online on EarthArXiv and is under revision in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
April 2021, Published an Article and Attended 2021 ACS Spring Meeting
1st author article on "Role of precursors in the formation of trihalomethanes during chlorination of drinking water and wastewater effluents from a metropolitan region in western India" is published in Journal of Water Process Engineering.
Presented my research on "Effect of Cu on Denitrification in Natural Aquatic Systems".
Interacted with pioneers in the field on Environmental Geochemistry.
March 2017, Received McDonnell International Academy Scholarship
Received McDonnell International Academy Scholarship to support the Ph.D. curriculum.
October 2023, MIT CEE Rising Workshop
Got selected in MIT CEE Rising Workshop as one of the top 20 rising women academic in the US
August 2023, Attended 266th ACS Conference, San Francisco, CA
Oral presentation on "Investigating fouling mechanisms on ion exchange membranes in electrochemical nutrient recovery using advanced synchrotron techniques"
Oral presentation on "Developing mitigation strategies to prevent membrane fouling during electrochemical ammonia stripping"
Co-chaired “Electrified Water Treatment Processes” at ACS Fall, San Francisco
May 2023, Attended NAWI DOE Review Meeting, Berkeley, CA
Poster presentation at NAWI DOE review meeting held in Berkeley, CA
February 2023, Appointed as Programming Director of NAWI Next-Gen Leadership Council
Organized career panel discussion on “Preparing for Academic and Industry Job Markets” as a part of NAWI NextGen leadership council (July 2023)
Graduate student mentor, Mentor-Mentee program, NAWI NLC
September 2022, PhD Thesis
Successfully defended my PhD
thesis on "Fate of Metals in Presence
of Mineral/Mineral-Organic
June 2022, Our recent research covered in WashU news!!
Check out this link to understand how trace metal micronutrients can affect greenhuse gas formation in wetland soils.
March 2022, Attended 2022 ACS Spring Meeting
Presented my research on trace metal bioavailability in natural aquatic systems in ACS Spring 2022.
Interacted with pioneers in the field Environmental Geochemistry.
January 2022, ACS Award and Publication
Received the prestigious Graduate Student Award from ACS Environmental Chemistry Division.
A new collaborative work on "Consistent controls on trace metal micronutrient speciation in wetland soils and stream sediments" is published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
July 2021, Collaborative Publication
A new collaborative work on "Seasonal variation in fluorescence characteristics of dissolved organic matter in wastewater and identification of proteins through HRLC-MS/MS" is published in Journal of Hazardous Materials.
June 2020, Published an Article
1st author article on "Modeling performance of rhamnolipid-coated engineered magnetite nanoparticles for U (vi) sorption and separation" is published in Environmental Science: Nano.